These include math, writing, arts and humanities, social sciences, and history. The AUCC promotes the acquisition and effective practice of essential competencies within areas of learning stipulated by the state of Colorado. An education in the basic humanistic disciplines is necessary to become a citizen with a broad knowledge of human cultures and with well-considered moral, philosophical, aesthetic, and intellectual convictions. An education in the humanities requires analysis and interpretation of significant works, gaining an exposure to a variety of methodologies, and learning to apply these in written exposition. The humanities comprise the subjects and disciplines that use various models of rational inquiry to understand human nature and experience, organization and change in human societies, the nature of the world, and rational inquiry itself. The other more specific courses (Art History, Music History, and Literary History for instance) strongly contribute to filling out the artistic and cultural knowledge of the student who chooses Humanities as a minor. HUM 254 Non-Western Humanities and other courses consider the artistic and cultural traditions of non-Western traditions. Our basic courses, HUM 251 Humanities 251, HUM 252 Humanities 252, and HUM 253 Humanities 253, offer a rich and fulfilling study of the Western (European and American) tradition. Humanities is the study of the arts and cultures of the world. The student taking a minor in Humanities is getting a good broad liberal arts education. The exam requires test takers to demonstrate their understanding of the humanities through recollection of specific information, comprehension and application of concepts, and analysis and interpretation of various works of art. It is broad in its coverage, with questions on all periods from classical to contemporary and in many different fields: poetry, prose, philosophy, art, architecture, music, dance, theater, and film.

The Humanities exam tests general knowledge of literature, art, and music and the other performing arts. Arts And Culture An Introduction To The Humanities Pdf Download